For todays ‘world pinhole day event’ I set up one of my homemade pinhole cameras at the wicker man site just down the road from me.
This camera equates to a 133mm focal length with an aperture of f256. With todays overcast weather I gave a time of 1 1/2 minutes and 2minutes of exposure time to 2 5×4 sheets of Ilford fp4+ film.
I Developed the 5×4 negatives this afternoon in Ilfosol3 1:9 for 4mins 30 secs. No time to print today …later this week if I get the time.

I then moved on to another local location on the river Parrett for another 2 pinhole shots, again fp4+ 5×4 developed the same.

I have two brass pins one in the top the other on the side of the camera which I use as sights in order two line up the camera with the subject but to get a better idea I use the iPhone held flat against the back of the camera then take a phone shot. I then make final adjustments to the tripod to frame the pinhole shot.

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